2023 Activity Report

Never worry about numbers. help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you." Mother Teresa


On behalf of the Beneficiaries of CHIROTA Elderly Neighbors Goodwill Project in Ethiopia Inc., I would like to extend my greetings to all our Supporters and their families. 

I.  Introduction

Firstly, I wish to express my gratitude to all Supporters of CHIROTA Project for your continuous support for the last 13 years. As you know, CHIROTA Project is registered in June 2010 and started its activities on January 1, 2011. Since then, CHIIROTA Project functions smoothly without encountering any difficulty.

In 2023, with your generosity, we were able to assist 22 Elderly Households (30 people) including three new Household Beneficiaries, who desperately need our assistances with mental sick children.

As we do every year, I am submitting to you here below the Summarized Report of the 2023 CHIROTA Project activities for your information and to get feedback.

In 2023, I was in Addis Ababa from the beginning of March 2023 to the end of July 2023.  So, while I was there, I have observed very closely all activities including distribution of the Quarterly Food Ingredients and Pocket Money.  I had also the opportunity talking to the Beneficiaries and visiting their dwellings many times. During that time, I have observed their health situations, their living conditions, and their immediate needs. Also, we met three times with those who live far away by inviting them to come to the meeting place.  Accordingly, we have taken the necessary actions to solve whatever needed.  At this time, we have set guidelines in Amharic in order to facilitate the handling of all activities in addition to the regular activities. We wish to inform you here again that, every quarter, a complete activity report is submitted to the Board of Directors.

II.  CHIROTA Project General Activities

As noted in its Goals and Objective, CHIROTA Project is continuously assisting the vulnerable elderly people by providing them with their daily meals, shelters and clothing as well as helping them to get medical treatment.  Accordingly, in 2023, we have assisted 22 household Beneficiaries (30 people including two disabled men, one disabled mentally sick lady, two mental sick young men and one lady with her daughter who are HIV/AID positive. Unfortunately, we have lost two elderly Beneficiary this year. 

As known, since 2020 because of the Covid-19, we are distributing food ingredients and pocket money in quarterly basis. These methods are appreciated by the Beneficiaries. However, the Injera is being distributed as scheduled, three times a week, to those who are unable to bake.

III.  Health Situation of the Beneficiaries

In 2023, I was in Addis Ababa for almost six months, So, I have visited the Beneficiaries regularly and followed their health situations.  I found out that except old age, disability and weakness, their health situations are better than last year. Moreover, some Beneficiaries have done their regular checkups as advised by the doctors. Only three Beneficiaries were seriously sick and unfortunately two of them passed away as you may see below.

IV.   Death of Beneficiaries in 2023

1.   Mr. AL, Mrs. MB’s husband passed away on October 9, 2023. We were assisting them since the beginning of CHIROTA Project which is January 2011. RIP.  We still continued to help Ms. MB.

2.   Ms. SB passed away on November 14, 2023. We assisted her since January 2015. RIP

V.  Injera, Food Ingredients, Pocket Money, Shelters, Clothing & Visitation

In 2023, all activities regarding the above subjects were going well. In this regard, I wish to inform you that when I was in Addis Ababa, I joined the Volunteers twice while they were packing the Quarterly Food Ingredients and Pocket Money. Then we went around to distribute the packages. It was really a great opportunity to observe the gratitude and excitement of the Beneficiaries. Always, all assistances were received by the Beneficiaries against their signatures. At one of the quarterly distribution days, one of the Board of Directors from New York was present and have observed the activities in detail.

1.  Injera

In 2023, fourteen Beneficiaries have received Injera. Each Beneficiary was receiving 8 to 12 Injera a week depending on their needs. The Injera was distributed three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The Baker, who was hired since 2016, is providing high quality Injera at a reasonable price. She is also delivering the Injera to the Supervisor/Packer on time, without payment for transportation. Moreover, she accepts our suggestions and advice, if there is any change in its quality or taste.  We really appreciate her for her continuous great job.  

 2.  Food Ingredients

(a)  Berbere (72 kgs or 160lbs) – The Berbere is always prepared in December.  So, for the Year 2023, the Berbere was prepared in December 2022.  The Berbere powder was well prepared by a close family with high-quality ingredients at a very reasonable price. It was validated by our Advisors, Volunteers, Beneficiaries, and me. 

(b)  Cooking Oil: In 2023 the cooking oil is purchased quarterly at the time of distribution. Since the price of cooking oil is very high, we could not get at wholesale price. However, although it is expensive, we were getting good brand cooking oil from the retailers.

(c) Peas Powder (Shiro):  In 2023, 30 kgs. of whole peas were purchased. As previously done, the peas powder (Shiro) was prepared with necessary spices at the time of distribution in order to keep it fresh. The Beneficiaries have confirmed the cleanliness and the well prepared Shiro. It was also validated by our Advisors and Volunteers.

We wish to note here that three of the Beneficiaries do not get food ingredients only pocket money based on their needs.

3.  The Pocket Money

In 2023, the Beneficiaries have received the pocket money quarterly with the food ingredients. The Pocket Money is given depending on their needs, the kind of assistance they are receiving and number of dependents.  All quarterly assistances are given against the signature of the Beneficiaries. As noted in the previous reports, the pocket money is to cover rent, utility bills, mutual association, food ingredients such as onion, salt, coffee, etc.  Since we have raised their pocket money last year, there was no need to raise it again this year.

4.  Shelter

In 2023, we did not repair any shelter. All dwellings were in livable conditions. However, we were going to construct little service place to one of our new Beneficiaries who wishes to have little business of cooking.  However, due to some problem with her extended families, we couldn’t do it.  We will try again next year.

5.  Clothing

In 2023, while I was in Addis Ababa, shoes and clothing were purchased and given to all Beneficiaries, according to their requests and needs. Also, some beddings were given to those new Beneficiaries.

6.  Visitation

1.  Those Beneficiaries, who are getting Injera, were visited three times a week by the Messenger and she was bringing information raised by them to the Focal Person and the Administrator.

2. The Focal Person was visiting those Beneficiaries close by twice a month and the Administrator every month including those who are getting Injera. 

3.  The Beneficiaries who are living far are checked by phone using their family or neighbors' telephone numbers. However, they will discuss their situations when they come to take their quarterly assistance.

7.  Providing cleaning assistance

In 2023, no cleaning services were provided by CHIROTA Project, thanks to neighbors and family members of the Beneficiaries who were willing to do the job.

VI.    Quarterly Distribution of Assistances

As I mentioned above, since June 2020 due to the pandemic and to protect the Beneficiaries as well as the Volunteers, we are distributing Food Ingredients and Pocket Money quarterly. Accordingly, in 2023, the quarterly distribution is being done in September, December, March and June based on Ethiopian Calendar. This method has also helped those who moved away not to travel every month. In this regard, the Beneficiaries have expressed their appreciation of our thoughtfulness with blessing words. 

VII.   2023 Financial Report

The financial standing of CHIROTA Project in 2023 is in a very good status due to the generous donations of the family members and friends of the President/Founder. These people are determined to save the lives of those vulnerable people. Therefore, CHIROTA Project operates its activities without any financial issues. In this regard, our gratitude also goes to the Administrator and the Volunteers for saving money by purchasing food ingredients and other materials in a very controlled manner.

As previously done, we manage our financial income and expenses as follows:        

1.    Donation in dollar is deposited in Chase Bank and it is being wired to Abyssinia Bank once a year. Donation in Birr is deposited in Abyssinia Bank.

2.    As we do every year, the 2023 Estimated Monthly and Yearly Budget as well as Individual Budget were prepared at the beginning of 2023 and the activities were performed accordingly.

3.    Checks for monthly expenses were prepared, signed, and were given to the Administrator at the beginning of the year.

4.    All 2023 income and expenses were recorded by the Administrator in her books and then by the Volunteer Accountant in the Accounting Ledger.  It was sent quarterly to the President/Founder.

5.    After reviewing and further discussions with the accountant, the financial statement was finalized.

VIII.  Volunteers and Employees

This year in order to be well organized and facilitate the duties of Volunteer, I prepared a clear job description in Amharic to the Administrator, the Focal Person and the Messenger. So, they have performed their duties accordingly. However, recently, I found out that due to their own daily jobs, the Administrator and the Focal Person need assistants.  So, I am trying to recruit, in 2024, at least two Volunteers to help the Administrator in the accounting and the Focal Person visiting the Beneficiaries and report to me as well as to them. So, we are looking for reliable individuals who could help us in this endeavor.

1.     The Administrator:

As previous reported, the Administrator has moved far away.  However, she is doing a great job talking on phone with the Focal Person and the Messenger to receive reports. She visits the Beneficiaries once in a month. As always, she distributes the quarterly assistances, she handles payments to the Volunteers, to the Injera Baker and purchasing Cooking Oil, ordering and following the preparation of Berbere and Shiro. Recently, the person who is doing the accounting went far away from the area which is difficult for her to continue helping us. So, although she has a very tight work schedule, she was registering the expenses and send it to me. As mentioned above, we are looking for someone to do this important job.

2.     Focal Person/Head Injera Packer/Visitor

She receives Injera from the Baker and checks the quality. She packs the Injera in the individual container according to their assistance and give the packages to the Messenger to distribute. She visits twice a month, those 17 Beneficiaries who live closer to her. Also, she gets reports every other day from the Injera Distributor. Then, she reports to Emebet every other week and she reports to me every month. She is doing a great job packing the Injera and visiting the Beneficiaries. However, I found out that she is busy at her work and leaves the office very late.  So, it is difficult for her to visit the Beneficiaries.  In this regard, I am looking for someone who could help visiting the Beneficiaries. 

3.     The Messenger

In 2023 the Messenger distributed Injera for 14 Beneficiaries three times a week. In addition to distributing, she is doing a great job by bringing information from the Beneficiaries to the Focal Point and also to the Administrator.

In general, the Administrator, the Focal Point/Injera Packer and the Messenger are doing their best to serve the Beneficiaries. We are grateful for their willingness, excellent services and devotions.

IX.    Conclusion

In conclusion, I wish to mention that in 2023 CHIROTA Project was functioning as planned, according to its goals and objectives with good financial standing.  Although the market is very expensive, the Administrator and the Volunteer are doing their best to reduce expenses. So, I give credit to them.  Here, I wish also to extend my appreciation to the lady who prepares high quality Berbere at a very reasonable price. Also, I thank the Injera Baker, who bakes good quality Injera with reasonable price. It is my hope that, with our dedicated selfless Volunteers and Employees, CHIROTA Project’s activities, in 2024, will be operated successfully.

We wish to mention here also that during our visits, meetings and at the time of distributions, we have advised all Beneficiaries to be hopeful, to inspire for a better life even though they are sick and weak.  Above all, we advised them to have peace of mind and harmony with their neighbors.  We have told them, repeatedly, that the assistance they are getting will continue and not to worry at all.  Also encouraged them to give us their feedback freely and advised them to be cooperative and willing to get medical treatment when they are sick. All Beneficiaries have expressed their appreciations of our efforts and assistances to make their lives better.

My dear best friends and family members, your unwavering support has enabled CHIROTA Project to be successful.  Moreover, your positive and constructive feedback have helped CHIROTA Project to reach at its 13th Year Anniversary without problem.

I wish to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to all Board of Directors for their determination to help these vulnerable people.  

God bless you all for your unconditional support to those disabled, sick and elderly people which means a lot to them as well as to CHIROTA Project. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.

Warmest regards,
March 1, 2024

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