2021 Activity report

Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you." Mother Teresa

CHIROTA Project 2021 Summarized Activity Report
(January to December 2021) - 11th year Anniversary

I would like to extend my greetings to the Supporters of CHIROTA Elderly Neighbors Goodwill Project in Ethiopia Inc. (CHIROTA Project). I also wish to express my gratitude for your continuous support for the last 11 years.

I.  Introduction

Firstly, I would like to inform you that, due to COVID-19, I was unable travel to Addis Ababa. However, all activities were monitored by phone, by email, by text and video conversations with the Administrator on Tuesdays and on Thursdays with the Focal Point/Accountant/Distributor.  As we have set guidelines how to handle the activities due to the pandemic, especially distributing the food ingredients and pocket money quarterly, everything was performed without difficulty. The Volunteers, although they are not meeting in person like before, they were visiting the Beneficiaries one by one. In this regard, I wish to extend my thanks to the devoted Volunteers and Employees.

I wish to inform you here that, all my conversations with the Volunteers and Advisors were logged in the President’s Monthly Checklist and were shared with the Secretary of the Board at the end of every month.

II.  CHIROTA Project General Activities

A. Goals and Objectives

1, Provide daily two meals assistance;

2. Cover rent payments and repair of shelters to make it inhabitable;

3, Provide health care by taking them to clinics and hospitals;

4. Provide necessary clothing, shoes, and bedding;

5. Pay for expenses such as water, electricity and sanitary material;

6. Home visits to avoid loneliness (listen to their concerns and needs);

7. Provide cleaning services twice a month to those who are lonely;

8. Provide support to their immediate families to get education and medical assistant;

9. Provide support at the time of grief and trauma.

B.   Number of Beneficiaries Assisted in 2021

As we did for the last 10 years, in 2021, we followed the Goals and Objectives mentioned above and assisted 19 Household Elderly People (27 persons including one disabled young man, one disabled young lady and one lady with her daughter who are HIV/AID positive).

III.  Health situation of the Beneficiaries

We were fortunate that no Beneficiary of ours was affected by COVID-19.  Moreover, most of them were healthy during this time except weaknesses due to age.

IV.   Death of Beneficiary in 2021

Ms. Teruwork Wolde, who was over 90 years old, passed away on May 5, 2021. She was blind for the last few years and had health issues. So, she was assisted since January 2015. RIP

V.  Injera, Food Ingredients, Pocket Money, Shelters, Clothing & Visitation

1. Injera

In 2021, twelve Beneficiaries have received Injera. Each Beneficiary was receiving 8 to 12 Injera a week depending on their needs. The Injera was distributed three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The Baker, who was hired since 2016, is providing high quality Injera at a reasonable price. We really appreciate that she is continuously doing a great job. She is also delivering the Injera to the Supervisor/Packer on time, without payment for transportation. All Beneficiaries, who are receiving Injera, have expressed their admiration of its quality. Above all, the Injera distribution was not affected by COVID-19 pandemic.          

2.  Food Ingredients: The following Food Ingredients were distributed quarterly as planned:

(a)  Berbere: In December 2020 70kgs (155lbs) Berbere was prepared which covered the whole year (2021)..

(b)  Cooking Oil: In 2021, cooking oil was purchased, in advance, whenever it was available.  Although it was very expensive, we were determined to buy good quality cooking oil.

(c)  Peas Powder: 100 Kgs, whole peas were purchased earlier in the beginning of 2021. The peas-powder was being prepared four times a year, at the time of distribution, in order to keep it fresh. The Beneficiaries had expressed about the cleanliness and the well spiced Shiro (peas-powder).       

3.  The Pocket Money:  The pocket money was given quarterly according to the schedule and budget.

4.  Shelter:  In 2021, while the Administrator was visiting Beneficiaries, she found out that one of the shelters was backed with lots of garbage and our Beneficiary was in dangerous situation, if fire breaks.  Although the lady was not willing her dwelling    to be cleaned, the Administrator somehow convinced her. Then, the Administrator herself and the Messenger cleaned the dwelling. They found out many clothes and beddings which needed cleaning. So they sent all to the cleaning lady.  The next day, she sent a message to the Administrator telling her that she slept well for the first time in years.

5.  Clothing:  In 2021, we did not purchase any clothing or bedding in order to protect the Volunteers from the crowed in the Market. The Beneficiaries have understood the situation very well. In many occasion, they have expressed to the Volunteers that there was no need for new clothes at this time.

6.  Visitation: In 2021, there were limited visitations by the Volunteers, due to COVID-19.  However, the Messengers were visiting the Beneficiaries three times a week, while distributing the Injera. Whenever needed, the Volunteers have also visited them even cleaning their dwellings as mentioned above..

7. Providing cleaning assistance: In 2021, only one Beneficiary’s dwelling was cleaned as mentioned above. For the rest, no cleaning services were provided by us thanks to neighbors and family members of the Beneficiaries who were willing to help.

VI.   Applying New Method to distribute the Assistance Quarterly

As mentioned in the Introduction, due to the pandemic and to protect the Beneficiaries as well as the Volunteers, we started distributing three months Food Ingredients and Pocket Money as of June 2020.  So in 2021, we have used this method and it was successful.  So, we will continue using this method until the pandemic is over. The Beneficiaries have expressed their appreciation of our decisions and our thoughtfulness with lots of blessing words.

VII.  2021 Financial Report

In 2021, the financial standing of CHIROTA Project is in a very good status due to the generous donations of immediate family members and friends, who are determined to save the lives of those vulnerable people. Therefore, CHIROTA Project operates its activities without any financial issues. In this regard, our gratitude also goes to the Administrator and the Volunteers for saving money by purchasing food ingredients and other materials in a very controlled manner.

 As previously done, we manage our financial income and expenses as follows:        

1.    Donation in dollar is deposited in Chase Bank and it is wired to Abyssinia Bank once a year. Donation in Birr is deposited in Abyssinia Bank.

2.    As we do every year, the Estimated 2021 Yearly Budget, Monthly Budget as well as Individual Budget were set up at the beginning of 2021 and the activities were performed accordingly.

3.    Checks for monthly expenses were prepared, signed and were sent to the Administrator in advance at the beginning of the year.

4.    All 2021 income and expenses were recorded by the Administrator in her book and logged in the Ledger by the Volunteer Accountant after auditing. Then, it was sent to me quarterly.

5.    After reviewing and further discussions with the Volunteers, I have logged the financial statement in Excel.

 VIII.   Volunteers and Employees

1.    The Administrator is living far away from the Project area. However, she has continued her volunteer work by coming to the area even during the serious time of pandemic (a) to visit the Beneficiaries ones a month (b) purchasing the necessary food ingredients like cooking oil and more (c) distribute the food ingredients and the pocket money. (c) She communicates with the Focal Point as needed and weekly with me.  I heard that, like she did last year, she was coming to the Project area unexpectedly and observed the Injera distribution and other activities. As always, I extend my deep appreciation to her with blessing words.

2.    The Controller/Packer & Accounting Clerk (Focal Point) – Her main assignments are (a) Receiving, counting and packing the Injera and passing to the Messenger (b) receiving the Income and Expenses Book from the Administrator and preparing the financial ledger after auditing it. Then she submits it to me quarterly, which she did for 2021. (c)  In addition to the above, she was given more responsibilities to be a Focal Point covering most of the activities; (d) reporting urgent issue to the Administrator and to me (e) providing weekly report to me on all activities. Since she is willing and doing a great job, I have extended my appreciation to her.

3.    The Messenger/Injera Distributor – She still works as a street vendor, working for us part time which is three times a week for two hours each. She is doing an excellent job by distributing to 12 Beneficiaries on time. Her willingness to continue this job is admirable. One of her assignment is also to bring information from the Beneficiaries to the Volunteers. I was gtold that she has done it well. Observing her hard work during the pandemicr, we have raised her wage extending our appreciation. She was very happy and expressed her gratitude and blessing with tearful eyes...

4.    The Assistant Messenger - He is a guard in the compound who is available anytime when his help is needed. He also visits and brings information from the Beneficiaries even during this pandemic time.  We have raised his wage which he appreciated.  He is a great dependab

IX.  Conclusion

In 2021, CHIROTA Project’s activities are operated according to its Goals and Objectives, although, since mid-2020, there is a change in the distribution schedule from monthly to quarterly due to COVID-19 pandemic. The Beneficiaries as well as the Volunteers continuously express their appreciation of the schedule, which is convenient to all of them.  Since then, here was no problem encountered.

I found it important to mention here that the 2021 activities have started and completed with good financial standing; appropriate estimated monthly and yearly budget as well as with good distribution of responsibilities among Volunteers. It is my hope that, with our dedicated selfless Volunteers, the activities in 2022 will be operated successfully. They have promised me to protect the Beneficiaries and themselves during this pandemic time.

My dear best friends and family members, your unwavering support has enabled CHIROTA Project to be successful and we are observing positive results.  Moreover, your positive and constructive feedbacks have helped CHIROTA Project to reach at its 11th Year Anniversary successfully.

I wish to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to all Board of Directors for their determination to help these vulnerable people.  I hope you will have time to read it and send me your comments, corrections as well as your suggestions.

God bless you all for your unconditional support to those disable, sick and elderly people which means a lot to them as well as me.

May 31, 2022

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